In the meanwhile I also decided to mount an extra door in the salon to keep the noice from the shoemaker outside and to keep my relaxing music inside 🙂 So finally my salon is completely ready and I must admit.. I am very proud on and happy with my new workingenvironment !
In the meanwhile I also attended a “refreshing-course” concerning treatments for diabetics and my certificate has been extended again!
As a matter of fact the feet of diabetics need some extra care and frequent check-ups and treatment by a professional pedicure can can prevent serious problems. Why? The feet of diabetics can be very vulnerable because the bloodcirculation in legs and feet can reduce and the position of the feet can change. These changes should be noticed in an early stage to prevent from bigger problems.
Are you a diabetic than I can advise to do at least a daily selfcheck on your feet by checking for skindamages or little wounds.
Offcourse you are always welcome to make an appointment for one of my standard or extended treatments.